Archive for February 8th, 2009

Tim & Eric Awesome Tour Great Review (With Pictures)

February 8, 2009

Tim & Eric brought their awesome tour to the world-famous 6th & I Synagogue in Washington, DC on Feb. 2, and this is my review:

DJ Dougg Pound was the opening act. he’s a dj who mixed breakbeats with a few jokes, and a whole lotta “FUCK YEAHS!!!” at the end of his set, he told us this wasn’t a seated show, and everyone should come to the front of the stage.

Tim & Eric were out of the gate quickly with an explosive opening number “The Diarrhea Song” for which they were presented awards. very catchy tune, almost made me wish I had shit my pants.

Tim & Eric perform “The Diarrhea Song” to open the show

from there, they segued nicely in to the Beaver Boys. this was the audience participation portion of the nite, where they grabbed a dude from the audience, put him in a dress and a wig, and slapped some female naughty bits on him. they blindfolded Tim, and let him grope the dude.


beaver boys

beaver boys

James Quall was out with his unique brand of 1950s era stand-up. he also performed a bitchin’ version of “Beach Blast” which sent the crowd in to a frenzy.

“they say the new Red Skelton postage stamp is self-adhesive. I guess that’s fitting, because in business, he was always tough to lick.”

Sire came out to sing “Sexual Romance” and Tim was dressed in a thong, as he proceeded to have his way with a blow-up doll. however, Tim was unhappy with the skit, so he stopped to complain, at which point Eric fired everyone. as Eric was berating the audience, Spagett came from out of nowhere to spook him.

Sire singing “Sexual Romance”

Tim thong
Tim cuts the sketch abruptly

Eric fires everyone


DL Hart came out with a wide variety of puppets, and performed some of his original music including his hit “I’m The Best Son (No, I’m The Best Dad)” it was awesome!

DL Hart

in between skits, they showed various clips from the upcoming season (which premieres tonite) Richard Dunn delivered a special message via tape at the start of the show. other sketches which aired included a commercial for “Diarrhea Pants” from Cinco. the storyline of the vignettes that they were airing revolved around Tim & Eric taking a road trip to Florida so that they could have a party in Eric’s parents hotel room, while they were out scuba diving, or something like that)

the end of the show brought about another round of audience participation. several audience members had to guess the celebrity guest appearance in a sort of “$25,000 Pyramid” game show type thingy. a dude who was dressed as Spagett was arguably just as over with the audience as the stars of the show were. Weird Al made a surprise guest appearance at the very end, BUT, some ppl think he might have been a look-a-like who was planted by Tim & Eric. this reporter is still unsure.

Faker Spagett and Tim during end of show contest

after the show, I got Tim to autograph a postcard. he thanked me for coming out, and I said “no, thank you, brah-brah-brah!” I also met DL Hart outside the venue, where he was pedaling a cd of his original music for like $10. he claimed he was 4 months late on his rent. I’m not sure if this was a work, or a shoot.

hot chick
DL Hart talks with a fan about his cd of original music

in conclusion, this was indeed an awesome show. outside of the hot tub sales sketch, there were no lulls in the action. I’m glad I made it out for this one, and I would definitely check them out the next time they came to town. the new season starts tonite at 12:30 AM!!!

Tim & Eric closing the show

(l to r) Tim Heidecker, DL Hart, James Quall, Sire, Eric Wareheim