Archive for June 18th, 2013

Shock Therapy Tour @ Merriweather Post Pavilion

June 18, 2013

Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson brought their Masters of Madness: Shock Therapy tour to Merriweather Post Pavilion last nite. the selling point for me tho, was special guest openers, GWAR! this was GWAR’s only appearance on the tour. yes, you pay $40 to see GWAR, you’re basically paying $1 a minute for the duration of their set. what can I say, I’ve seen them 5 times now, and that shit never gets old. in fact, seeing GWAR should be on everyone’s bucket list. the decapitations, the ejaculations, were on full display. you go to see GWAR, ppl die, it’s as natural as rain on a gawdamn Sunday morning. it does kinda suck when you go to a GWAR show, and you don’t leave covered in various bodily fluids. stupid fuckin’ lawn seats!

let’s talk about Marilyn Manson. I hadn’t really listened to one of their albums in almost a decade, and I’d never seen them in concert before. it was pretty fuckin’ good! I dunno if  it’s b/c they are not headlining, and therefore playing to a broader audience, who might not be too familiar with their catalogue, but I’m happy to report I recognized almost their entire set. most of their “top 40” hits were peppered throughout, including The Beautiful People, The Dope Show, Disposable Teens, Rock Is Dead, and their cover of the Eurythmics, Sweet Dreams. they opened with Angel With The Scabbed Wings, which is one of my favourite tracks on the Antichrist Superstar album.

I tried to convince my friend to leave after Manson, which was the plan before the show, but he used Alice Cooper’s set to sober up.  looking back in hindsight, this was the right move. if you’re gonna pay $40 to see a show, you might as well try and get your money’s worth. I’m not a fan of Alice, but songs like School’s Out, Hey Stoopid, Welcome To My Nightmare, and No More Mr. Nice Guy, were songs I recognized, and they sounded good live. Marilyn Manson came out for the encore to perform I’m Eighteen.

imdb: 4/5

netflix: 8/10