Archive for June 26th, 2013

Hipsterscum Reveals He’s A Fan Of Venom (The Band, Not The Comic Book Villain, Or Actual Venom)

June 26, 2013

it was a Tuesday nite just like any other. deep within the bowels of FEMA re-education camp III, Persie Handfisher and Hipsterscum were in the recording studio, laying down some tracks for the forthcoming Carnival Machine Armada album tentatively titled “Spit In My Anus, Not In My Mouth”

during a break from recording, Handfisher thanked Hipsterscum for recommending the new Melvins album (Everybody Loves Sausages) to him. it was at this point the conversation took a bizarre turn, when Hipsterscum admitted that he liked Venom. Hipsterscum said that he owned the first two Venom albums, but was not familiar with the song the Melvins covered “Warhead” which first appeared as a 7″ single in 1984.

Handfisher exclaimed “Venom? Venom? we talkin’ about Venom?!?” to which Hipsterscum replied “I find their ramshackleness and sloppiness endearing.”

Venom is a British thrash metal band, who in their heyday during the early to mid-80s, toured most notably with Metallica (who opened for Venom in 1984) and Slayer (on the Combat Tour in 1985) they are often credited as a major influence on the genre, despite being panned by critics and other bands. Venom’s best work is probably 1982’s “Black Metal” on which the title track is quite badass. contrary to popular belief “Black Metal” is not credited with starting the Black Metal genre.

Hipsterscum is acknowledged among his peers, as the foremost expert on a wide range of musical genres. while not necessarily known as a fan of the metal genre, he does favour Megadeth, among the Big 4. in addition to playing bass for Carnival Machine Armada, Hipsterscum plays guitar and sings lead vocals in his own band, Atheist Tambourine.